논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2022-07 Investor sentiment, credit rating, and stock returns INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE
2021-12 Investment efficiency of firms outside the business group JOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCE
2020-06 Foreign debt, global liquidity, and fiscal sustainability JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY
2019-08 소득주도성장 정책 쟁점과 분석 및 평가 : 임금주도성장 논의 중심으로 한국경제의 분석
2018-10 A test of fiscal sustainability in the EU countries INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE
2017-06 What determines firms' R&D intensity in business groups with cross-ownership structures? INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION
2017-05 How chaebol restructuring after the 1997 crisis has affected corporate decision and performance in Korea: debt financing, ownership structure, and investment China Economic Journal
2017-04 가계부채 관리 제도의 방향 설정: 국제 사례를 통한 정책적 시사점을 중심으로 한국경제의 분석
2017-02 The diffusion of corporate governance to emerging markets: Evaluating two dimensions of investor heterogeneity JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE
2016-03 Unconventional Monetary Policy, Global Liquidity Circulation, and Inflation Divergence around the World DEVELOPING ECONOMIES
2015-06 How outside directors facilitate corporate R&D investment? Evidence from large Korean firms JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH
2015-05 Nature or Nurture: Private Tutoring and Education Inequality 한국경제학보(구 연세경제연구)
2014-12 Short-Term External Debt and Foreign Exchange Rate Volatility in Emerging Economies: Evidence from the Korea Market EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE
2014-06 Bankers on the Board, Market Competition, and Conflicts of Interest GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
2013-06 The Role of Intra-Conglomerate Equity Investment: Evidence from Korean Business Groups GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
2013-01 Stock market liberalization and price response: gradualism versus cold turkey APPLIED ECONOMICS
2012-12 Efficiency of Internal Capital Market under a Controlling-minority-shareholder Structure APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
2012-12 Corporate Governance, Legal System, and Stock Market Liquidity: Evidence Around the World ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STUDIES
2012-04 글로벌 금융위기 이후 영미 금융 감독체제의 변화 한국경제의 분석
2012-03 Does Fiscal Policy Help Those Who Need It Most? Evidence from the US and the Eurozone GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
2011-09 Does corporate governance risk at home affect investment choices abroad? JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS
2011-01 금융위기와 구제금융 : 글로벌 금융위기와 외환위기의 비교를 중심으로 한국경제의 분석
2010-08 은산분리에 대한 몇 가지 논점 : 미국의 경험과 감독기구 기능을 중심으로 한국경제의 분석
2010-03 Global Crisis, Exchange Rate Response, and Economic Performance: A Story of Two Countries in East Asia GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
2009-09 수출산업에서 R&D 투자가 보다 적극적으로 이루어지는가? 한국경제연구
2009-08 정보통신주는 경기방어적인가?: GRS 검증을 통한 CAPM의 유효성 분석을 중심으로 Telecommunications Review
2009-06 IT를 통한 고용창출: 정책 이슈와 제안 정보화정책
2009-04 Cross-ownership, takeover threat and control benefit APPLIED FINANCIAL ECONOMICS
2008-12 산업내 전직율이 기업 R&D 투자에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 기술혁신연구
2008-08 외환위기 이후 10년 : 재벌정책의 전개, 문제점, 그리고 향후 과제 한국경제의 분석
2008-07 Mixing versus sorting: Entering top universities ECONOMICS LETTERS
2007-12 Fiscal policy, business cycles and economic stabilisation: Evidence from industrialised and developing countries FISCAL STUDIES
2007-09 제품차별화적 산업특성을 중심으로 하는 환율변동성의 한국교역에 대한 영향 경제학연구
2007-06 Group control motive as a determinant of ownership structure in business conglomerates: Evidence from Korea's chaebols Pacific Basin Finance Journal
2006-12 한국의 개인 연령별 저축률 추정 한국경제연구
2006-08 Fiscal policy in Korea: Before and after the financial crisis INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE
2006-04 Corporate scandals and the market response of dividend payout changes Applied Financial Economics
2005-09 What makes firms manage FX risk? Emerging Markets Review
2005-08 Schumpeter's legacy: A new perspective on the relationship between firm size and R&D RESEARCH POLICY
2005-01 자산가격 급락을 통해 본 경제위기의 국제적 연계 한국경제학보(구 연세경제연구)
2003-06 금융기관의 반응 및 가계자산 포트폴리오를 고려한 특별예금보험료의 가계 손실분담구조 한국개발연구